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Faith Tattoos: 40+ Best Design Ideas That Will Keep Your Spirits Up

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Faith symbols often correlate with religious symbols, both used to convey religiousness and spirituality. These symbols are considered to be one of the main religious and faith expressions, in almost every religion and culture around the globe. Throughout our history, for thousands of years, symbolic representation of our belief and faith has developed, deepened, and widened, and is ever-present even nowadays.

One of the ways people showcase and express their faith and religion is through tattoos. This is, of course, a relatively new concept of faith expression, but even in ancient Egypt people did tattoos to express their loyalty to certain gods and religions.

Now, there are religions where tattoos are not allowed and are even considered to be a hell-worthy sin. Islam is one of those religions, even though religious symbolism in this particular religion is abundant. But, the laws of the religion do not approve of tattooing, since it is seen as a destruction of God’s creation, which is the human body.

So, in the following paragraphs, we’ll share with you some of the best faith tattoo designs you can use to showcase and express your belief and faith. Of course, we’ll exclude any Islamic symbolism, just to avoid offending any of our readers. The focus will be mostly on Christian symbolism as well. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

40+ Religious and Faith Tattoo Design Ideas

Latin Cross Tattoo Design

Latin Cross Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @tattooist_hwi
Latin Cross Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @shandaa_tattoo
Latin Cross Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @fajerwera
Latin Cross Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @kostovtattoo
Latin Cross Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @tattooist_estelle

The Latin cross is probably one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. The cross represents the cross on which Jesus died, and as such, it is the main representation and symbol of Christianity. Widely recognized, people use the cross to covey their faith and religious devotion to Christianity.

So, to get a Latin cross tattoo means your message and expression will always be understood. The tattoo is generally straightforward but carries so much meaning at the same time. If this speaks to you, then make sure to check out some of our favorite Latin Cross tattoo designs.

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Also Read: 40+ Cross Tattoo Design Ideas: To Keep Your Faith Close

Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design

Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @danny_clark_tattoos
Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @hamiltonhavicktattoo
Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @b.silva89
Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @tattooist_haesol
Alpha and Omega Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @tattoograin

Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters in the Greek alphabet. In Christianity, these letters represent the comprehensiveness of God; He is the one who existed before anything, who created everything, and who will end everything and continue to exist after everything ceases.

So, what better way to express your faith and religious devotion than by getting this incredibly deep and meaningful symbol of Alpha and Omega. With this symbol on your body, you’ll always be reminded of God’s greatness, everlasting existence, and power to begin or end anything. Here are some of our favorite Alpha and Omega tattoo designs you can use for inspiration!

The Circle Tattoo Design

The Circle Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @tazzletter
The Circle Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @keenetattoo
The Circle Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @honeybeetattoo_leo
The Circle Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @tatchtoo
The Circle Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @had.tattoos

The circle, or a ring, is an excellent religious and faith symbolism for numerous reasons. A circle, in Christianity especially, stands for eternity and the never-ending existence of God. Because of its symmetry, perfection, and balance, the Circle symbolizes God and Heaven; both being perfection and the perfect creation of God.

The Circle simply represents the eternal existence of God and how He was, is, and always will be. This is an exceptional faith tattoo design idea since it is so simple, yet so deep in meaning and symbolism.

The Descending Dove Tattoo Design

The Descending Dove Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @g_x_m_m_x
The Descending Dove Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @small_magicsart
The Descending Dove Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @darranmonaghan777
The Descending Dove Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @elustration
The Descending Dove Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @juanrai

The Descending Dove is a recognizable Christian symbol. It represents the Holy Spirit that has descended upon Jesus at His Baptism in the Jordan River. Generally speaking, in Christianity, the white dove stands for purity, reconciliation, peace, innocence, and unspoiled faith. A dove in Christianity also symbolizes faithful love (in The Song of Solomon, lovers refer to each other as doves).

So, the combination of the two interpretations and symbolism make the Descending Dove a perfect choice for a faith tattoo design. You can get this tattoo design with just the outline since the meaning stays the same, but by coloring the dove in white you’ll make this tattoo stand out even more.

The Ichthus Tattoo Design

The Ichthus Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @brianhornetattoo
The Ichthus Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @tilldeathcustomtattoo
The Ichthus Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @darqinkz_

Ichthus is a symbol used by the early Christians, and it represents a fish (the word Ichthus means ‘fish’ in Greek). However, this word also acts as an acronym or initialism, since every letter is the first letter of individual words, which stands for ‘Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Savior’ when translated into English.

Now, the origin of this word and its symbolism in Christianity goes way back when early Christians were persecuted. These people used the ‘fish’ symbol as a secret sign as a way to identify other Christians. So, if you really want to show off your extensive knowledge of your religion and express your faith, there is probably not a better tattoo design idea than the Ichthus.

The Star Of David Tattoo Design

The Star Of David Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @gentle_joy
The Star Of David Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @neroliquidotattooer
The Star Of David Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @skeemerz
The Star Of David Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @coneyislandvinnytattoo
The Star Of David Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @muletattoo

One of the oldest, most recognizable religious symbols in the world is the Star of David. It is a generally recognized symbol of Judaism. The six-pointed star appears in synagogues, Jewish tombstones, religious facilities, and it appears on the national flag of the State of Israel. It is important to mention that there is no reference to this Star in the Old Testament; however, it is believed that the symbol emerged sometime in the 3rd century A.D.

Ever since it has been a popular symbol among Jews, but back then it didn’t have a religious connotation. But, as time went by, the Sta of David became a globally accepted symbolism of Judaism. However, because of the relation between Judaism and Christianity, the Star of David is also an important Christian symbol.

The Anchor Tattoo Design

The Anchor Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @michilovelove
The Anchor Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @jeon______
The Anchor Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @elena.blumen
The Anchor Tattoo Design 4
The Anchor Tattoo Design 5

In Christianity, the Anchor symbolizes hope and future, steadiness and safety. It also symbolizes Christ as the source of hope, faith, and belief. During the Roman persecution, Christians adopted the anchor as their key symbol that would guide them through the tough times. So, if you want to truly honor your faith and religion, but also get a super meaningful and interesting tattoo, then we recommend you to go for the Achor tattoo. Here are some of our top favorite Anchor tattoo designs.

Also Read: 12 Best Anchor Tattoo Designs On Different Part Of Your Body

The Angel Tattoo Design

The Angel Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @graycodetattoo
The Angel Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @rojo_izzy
The Angel Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @tattoosbystrangers
The Angel Tattoo Design 4
The Angel Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @ckyka.too

Angels are probably the most known depiction of Christian faith and religion. The word angel in Greek carries the meaning ‘messenger’ or ‘angelos’. And, that is what angels do; they serve God and serve Him in form of bringing His messages to humans. Angels are the ones that also protect us and watch over us. They carry a deep and important meaning, and because they act as representatives of God, they truly symbolize faith, hope, intelligence, strength, and belief.

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It is important to mention that the depiction of angels is one of the most popular tattoo designs. People generally go for the Angel design because of the deep meaning, as well as interesting and powerful imagery. Angels seem to translate one’s faith and belief so deeply and intensely, no wonder they’re such a high demand for Angel tattoos.

Also Read: 30+ Unique Angel Tattoo Design Ideas (And The Meaning Behind Them)

The Butterfly Tattoo Design

The Butterfly Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @mor_tatts
The Butterfly Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @joabanjostattoo
The Butterfly Tattoo Design 3
Credit: @pati.san.martin
The Butterfly Tattoo Design 4
Credit: @moco_tattoo
The Butterfly Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @jdew_tattoo

In Christianity, a butterfly is a symbol of resurrection, as well as the symbol of the life of Christ. Just as a butterfly metamorphoses from a caterpillar into a butterfly, so did Christ transform from being crucified to being glorified. Because of such deep meaning, people choose the butterfly as their way of expressing faith and belief, as well as hope and strength to become better and never give up to reach one’s best. Here are some of our favorite butterfly tattoo designs you can choose for inspiration!

The Heart Tattoo Design

The Heart Tattoo Design 1
Credit: @denizinks
The Heart Tattoo Design 2
Credit: @default_blue_tt
The Heart Tattoo Design 3
The Heart Tattoo Design 4
The Heart Tattoo Design 5
Credit: @keenetattoo

And finally, one of the best ways to express your faith and the love of God is through a simple yet effective symbolism of a heart. In Christianity, and man other religions, a heart symbolizes one’s love for God and God’s love for humanity. It also symbolized faith, love, courage, strength, devotion, understanding, and charity. In some cases, a heart can even represent the Sacred Heart, which stands for the heart of Jesus, His love and passion for humanity.

Now, a heart tattoo may not initially translate all of this meaning to someone who isn’t familiar with it already.

So, this tattoo might not seem like a tattoo of faith or religious belief, but sometimes it is for the best to keep the meaning to yourself. The people who are genuinely interested in you will get the privilege of knowing the meaning of the tattoo. And that’s is special in its own way. Here are some of our favorite heart tattoo designs you can use for inspiration!

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  • Heart Tattoos: What They Mean And 24 Design Ideas
  • 16 Best Infinity Heart Tattoo Design Ideas (2021 Updated)

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